Blog Restart

It’s been over 10 years since I had a blog, or at least maintained one. I want to promote my personal brand but have often not put forth the effort. I have a significant amount of experience, so it’s just a matter of putting my experiences down “on paper”…and having the right tool to publish.

Enter Hugo. I’ve been a fan of Markdown for awhile, and make avid use of it for projects on GitHub or written for mkdocs. I wanted something that could deploy to a static site since my actual code rarely changes, and to save overall costs. My current site is built on GitHub Pages, but does not allow me the necessary capabilities, and I wanted something similar to mkdocs but that I could easily deploy a scaffold and work.

While I often travel with a laptop, I’ve also been looking at my mobile productivity, and I feel that I could accomplish more by using my mobile device. When I have an idea, I want to commit quickly. My tablet is an easy way to do so since it takes up less room and has less time to boot, but has lacked a sufficient productivity tool.

I’ve typed up this post partially using Working Copy. For me, it has the right blend of git integration and file editor (with Markdown syntax highlighting). You can’t push without the in-app purchase, but the free version plus a 10-day trial lets you test before buying, which let me make sure it fits my workflow.

For my blog content, I plan to document my experiences through my IT journey in hopes that it will also help others. I’ve always embraced the IT community, and a blog is my latest way of giving back. I’ve always struggled with trying to get the best structure and methods before pushing something new, and that’s always led to me never launching. This time, I’m accepting that the blog may not be perfect, but it’s out there and functional. I’ll be able to make improvements over time and grow this into a resource for all.

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